90% of all coupons distributed are distributed through the Sunday Newspaper. The low income and government subsidized shopper do not purchase the Sunday Newspaper as a group. The coupon distribution and savings do not benefit this shopper.

This underserved demographic represents over 60 billion dollars nationally and over 2.3 billion dollars in Ohio

The Food Stretcher Plus program provides a new marketing channel to promote CPG brands to this shopper who is difficult to reach effectively and economically through traditional coupon marketing methods

The Food Stretcher Plus program is a needs-based direct-to-consumer marketing strategy. We deliver Digital Coupons directly to a needs verified customer base which ensures both marketing spend effectiveness and efficiency. The program is designed to comply with current Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Issue guidance.

Category Exclusivity – Unlike other promotional landscapes, there are no competitors of your brand promoted by the Food Stretcher Plus during your time of participation. A captive audience viewing your brand on the mobile app, promotional hand outs and website at no extra cost

Promote your WIC and Non – WIC Products Increase your capacity to sell more of your brands to this very lucrative segment of the population

Distribution Certainty  – Offers are distributed through smart phone technology and printed handouts, distributed through community touch points

Fraud Proof – NO Paper Coupon – Executed Electronically

Payment for Redemption – Setup fee and customary coupon clearing costs apply

FASB – Financial Accounting Standards Board – Compliant